Monday, 1 July 2013

What are the relationship among Alfafa, B complex, protein with milk production? (part.2)

Phewwww.... Masih ingat all the points which we have discussed on the nutritional need for lactation. Haa... sila jawab quiz di bawah (during this time, selalu dengar students merungut "Ala, madam, ngape mengejut" "Ala.... saya tak study" "Madam tak bgtau pun") ---> hoho.. dah nama pun quiz.. kalau tak ada quiz, macam mana saya nak tahu awk faham ke tidak? :)

  1. What are the minerals that are increased during lactation?
  2. Why lactating mother need to increase their water intake?
  3. How many kcalaries is expected to be used by a lactating mother?
[6 marks]

Hoho... siap markah lagi.. Baiklah.. please answer all the questions above. Should there be any questions (regardless the quiz) you are free to ask me. Ok... let us continue with this second part. I have been observed the trend of shaklee purchase for milk booster as most of them would buy the ESP (energising soy protein), alfafa, B-complex, multi vitamin (vita-lea). From previous post, I have really emphasised that for individuals who are strictly in a healthy diet regime, don't worry. You may not need dietary supplement. But as most of us (uhuk uhuk... including me) are sometime might neglect in our daily food consumption, supplement might offer a huge help. But BEAR IN MIND, before taking any supplements:

(Source: Gina et al., 2013)

Alhamdulillah, as far as I concerned, Shaklee is safe and made from natural ingredients. Alright then, back to what we called a milk-booster supplement. Sejujurnya, saya kurang bersetuju dengan penggunaan perkataan ini untuk dietary supplement. As the concept of dietary supplement to 'add' to a basic healthy diet and lifestyle, or to a prescription medication to treat medical condition . A herbal supplement or vitamin regimen on its own will not necessarily cure or treat your condition or heath problem. It’s also important to remember that not all supplements are beneficial, especially when taken in toxic doses or combined with other medications (Gina et al., 2013). Jadi, anda sebagai pengguna jgn mudah terpengaruh dgn perkataan  begitu. Kita belajar dulu apa kepentingan setiap nutrien yg terkandung dalam produk suplemen kesihatan. Ambil contoh simple package : ESP, Alfafa ,vitamin B complex and vita-lea (from shaklee). How these micro/micro nutrients HELP you during lactation. 

ESP: Produce from non (GMO) soya beans (Apa itu non GMO: ia bermaksud kacang soya yg digunakan tidak melalui mana-mana perubahan ciri-ciri genetik makanan). As noted, soy protein has low glycemix index (ok, indeks glisemik ini adalah pengukuran berapa cepat glukos dihasilkan di dalam darah selepas sahaja mengambil sesuatu makanan ).  Since protein acts as messenger that trigger hormone excretion (example oxytocin, insulin), consuming ESP may help those actions (oxytocin and prolactin excretion)

But madam, bukankah protein dari tumbuhan itu tidak lengkap (complete protein) berbanding dengan protein haiwan? 

Memang betul. Disebabkan protein tumbuhan tidak lengkap, penambahan 9 asid amino penting telah dibuat dalam produk shaklee. 

Alfafa : Alfalfa is a storehouse of nutrients. Its tap root reaches down as deep as six meters, searching out nutrients and minerals from deposits in the soil, while its leaves gather large amounts of chlorophyll through the natural process of photosynthesis. Alfafa during lactation provide a wide range of vitamins and minerals: vitamins A, C and E as well as calcium, potassium, phosphorus and iron of which required for milk production.

Vitamin B- complex: Vitamin Bs  assist in energy production (B1, B2, Niacin, biotin, panthotenic  and B6); reduce confusion & depression (nerve health); and DNA and new cell synthesis. This is important as more energy is required during lactation and milk production.

Habis tu, apa bezanya B-complex shaklee dgn jenama yang lain?

Shaklee B-complex are high-bioavailability (kadar serapan yang tinggi) kerana asid folik di pasaran adalah bersifat sintetik dan tidak mudah diserap oleh tubuh. Since vitamin B are water-soluble (larut air), it is easily excreted through urine. Therefore, shaklee provided more than 100% of vitamin B to compensate the loss.

Vita - lea: This multivitamin are extracted from plants and provide 12 vitamins and 7 minerals that are important for the body. Yang paling unik, the tablet is coated with spirulina, of which it helps in absoprtion and water soluble. Vita-lea may help vegan lactating mother that may lack specific nutrients. 

Phewww.... ok...Harapnya post ini mudah difahami. Not to promote, but to educate the consumer of why they need such nutrient during their lactation.. Any inquiries on the product or questions regarding nutrition and lactation, feel free to ask in the comment box. 

p/s: I have been used shaklee product during my lactation period. Praise to Allah, it helps me a lot with my energy level. But remember, itu semua dari Allah. Don't be based on supplements only, makanan seimbang kena juga jaga. :)

Yang baik itu dari Allah, yang lemah itu dari diri saya sendiri....


  1. Whitney E & Rolfes S.R (2011) Understanding nutrition 12 ed. , Wadswotrh: Belmont
  2. Gina Kemp, M.A., Lawrence Robinson, and Jeanne Segal (2013) Dietary supplements: the smart use of vitamins and supplements [online] [Available at:]

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I am a mother to my little Husna Zahra,a working ummi, strict lecturer yet soft spoken (eceh). I love writing especially on nutrition. An independent distributor for Shaklee product and long wear hijab