Sunday, 14 July 2013



The fifth Ramadhan.. Alhamdulillah.... Serenity and calm.. Itulah kelebihan bulan mulia ini, Alhamdulillah...Baiklah, I wish to share with you some information that sometime nursing mothers would face. The reduction of the milk supply during menstruation.

"Madam, is it true? How do you know that? Does Husna tell you when she feeds?"

" hoho, She does. Sometimes she will gets angry with me as if she wants to tell me that "ummi, the milk is not enough'. And whenever I pump-out the milk,I noticed that the volume was not like the normal I always have. The output is reducing"
Euwwww... Ummi milk taste weirddddd

For a new mother like me, it may create some worries. Few MYTH that may buzzing around the nursing mother during their menstruation period :

  1. Menstruating is THE END of  BREASTFEEDING
  2. The milk go sour or bad
  3. The milk is LESS nutritious 

"Hoho, ada juga myth macam tu ye madam. Madam, what is the cause of the  milk-drop during menstruation?"

" Ha... Kita dah belajar sebelum ni yang there are TWO hormones that regulate milk production kan. Apakah dia? Siapa dapat jawab saya belanja cekodok special utk awk"

"Ala madam, satay kajang pun jadila... Hormonnya ialah prolactin and oxytocin. SATAY, SATAY..."

"Hoho... sgt betul... Tapi sebelum satay sampai, Berikan saya the function of that Hormones"

" Errrrrr.....Tak ingat la madam...."

"Haaa... SATAY kajang ileekkk. Ok, Prolactin is responsible for milk production, whilst oxytocin play important role in alveoli muscle contraction that create the 'let down reflects'. "

What is happening, is that prior to menstruation the hormone seem to fluctuate.Do you still remember the previous post whereby the uterus wall begins to thicken ovulation phase) and the progestrone is high during this phase. The increase in progestrone may interfere with prolactin and blood calcium level. For some women, the decrease of blood calcium may result in the low milk supply. However, such effect is temporary whereby the milk production will return to NORMAL once the menstruation begin (Ramsey et al., 2004).

There are some research suggested that calcium supplementation may help in milk reduction during the menstruation. In addition it has been reported that calcium may assist in uterine cramp and premenstrual discomfort.  The dosage is between 500 mg calcium/250 mg magnesium and 1500 mg calcium/750 mg magnesium (the higher dosage is generally more effective). Calcium dosages this high should not be taken alone, but as a calcium/magnesium (or calcium/magnesium/zinc) combination (Kalkwarf et al., 1999).

"Walaubagaimanapun, IT IS THE BEST PRACTICE TO KEEP ON NURSING YOUR BABY DURING MENSTRUATION  to maintain the supply. Remember, the milk production is depend on the milk demand-supply Inilah yang selalu saya buat dan dengan izin Allah, alhamdulillah the milk supply is ongoing produce".

* May this writing light up some issue on lactation during menstruation.


  1. Kalkwarf HJ, Specker BL, Ho M. Effects of calcium supplementation on calcium homeostasis and bone turnover in lactating women. J Clin Endocrinol Metab 1999 Feb;84(2):464-70.
  2.  Ramsay, D., Mitoulas, L., Kent, C., et al. The use of ultrasound to characterize milk ejection in women using an electric breast pump. J Hum Lact 2005 Nov; 21(4):421-8.

" Yang baik itu dari Allah, yang kurang itu dari saya"

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I am a mother to my little Husna Zahra,a working ummi, strict lecturer yet soft spoken (eceh). I love writing especially on nutrition. An independent distributor for Shaklee product and long wear hijab